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Reflecting to Look Forward

Do you ever stop to look back and reflect on your year? Do you do it all year long or are you the kind of person who gets to December totally freaked out about where the heck the year has gone and does a quick glance back thinking you really did nothing major other than go to work and sleep.

I bet though, if you really looked you would see you achieved more than you thought.

Wonder what would have happened if you stopped for a moment each month and did a bit of reflection and geared up for the next month. I'm asking that of myself, really. If I had stopped every month to look at what I had accomplished and then looked forward with a bit of planning and determination...shoot, I bet I could have achieved some amazing things.


Are you Ready for 2019? Have you even thought about what you want to accomplish??


I mean, I'm not really complaining. I did have a good year, I just know I could use a bit more focus. As the great Mr. Han says, "your focus needs more focus" and mine certainly can. (Karate Kid 2010)

My biggest goal for 2018, was to Learn and Learning I did. Maybe not in the traditional way, but for most of the year I was was living in New Zealand and I had a long commute to work. I was commuting over 3 hours a day, so really I was captive in a car with nothing better to do than to feed my mind.

How did I learn? I listened to 13 audio books, 8 podcasts regularly (I cycled through others), a lot of YouTube and I took two online courses. I thought I would list my favorites, just in case you are interested:

Favorite Books: (I use Audible)

  1. The Leadership Gap, by Lolly Daskal - This is an interesting perspective on what type of Leader you are and based on that, what your gaps may be. Understanding your gaps gives you visibility and allows you focus on improving them. After I read this book, I quit using the word weakness. We all have gaps where we need to improve.

  2. Sleep Smarter, by Shawn Stevensen - This was an excellent book that I really needed. It's a good mix of scientific study and in your face reality check. A MUST read/listen for anyone who is trying to squeeze every drop out of their can't do it unless you prepare to sleep right.

  3. Principles, by Ray Dalio - While I struggled with the front half of the book, the back half was wonderful. Ray goes through his trials and tribulations with forming his company Bridgewater and how he formed what he calls his principals to work by. Ray is one of the most respected investors the world has ever known, so I have mad respect for him...but the first half of the book is steeped in world economies. Sometimes not the best driving listening material. The back half though, is about his life principles and I thoroughly enjoyed his transparency and felt so much of what he said resonated with me personally.

Favorite Podcasts: (I use Sticher)

  1. The Mastin Kipp Podcast - I LOVE Mastin. He is a strong dose of reality mixed with spirituality. He's all about getting over your bullshit and putting your best self forward. Warning...he says the f-word A LOT. His podcasts are short, but a great boost to your day.

  2. Small Farm Nation - I have this belief that one day I will have my own homestead. I'm probably getting to the age where if I don't do it soon it won't happen, but I still love listening to this podcast and hearing what Tim Young and his guests have to say.

  3. Marketing School - Neil Patel and Eric Sui take subjects like SEO optimisation and puts them into small bites where non-technical people like me can understand. They are great for anyone bootstrapping their business.

Favorite YouTube

  1. Tom Bilyeu - Tom has two channels, Impact Theory and Health Theory. While Tom isn't the most charismatic interviewer, his guests are phenomenal. On Impact Theory it's people from all walks of life who discuss how they have learned and achieved what they view as success - so what they feel their impact on the world is. Tom's channel is where I find my latest books or podcasts. I really love his guests, can't recommend it enough.

So, what was your biggest goal for 2018? Did you achieve it? Did you get close?

Since I've started on a new adventure with my own company, I have set really large targets for myself. Quite honestly, I'm freaking out a bit...but I know if I change my approach in how I reach my goals in 2019 that I can get there.

I started to look around the internet for planners or goal sheets and I really struggled to find something that was more than just writing a goal down on a sheet of paper. I know what I need and I'm guessing it's probably what you need too:

  • Ability to break down my goals into smaller increments

  • Ability to reflect on my goals monthly

  • Ability to add focus to my rituals and gratitude (huge lessons here!!!)

  • Accountability - I must have accountability

So, since I couldn't find anything that met my needs that didn't cost an arm and a leg...I put something together myself and I hope you will join me. I've created My Year, My Plan, My Reality which is much more than just a goal planner, it encompasses all that I have listed above. Including a monthly Facebook Accountability session.

This is all free and the first quarter planner for 2019 is ready for you now. All you have to do is grab it for yourself.

I will be making my goals visible for all and tracking them right alongside you. That way I can see if I'm making great progress or if I need to pivot and switch gears.

Will you join me? Are you ready to make 2019 a great year?

What's your number one goal for 2019??

- Renata


Are you Ready for 2019? Have you even thought about what you want to accomplish??


PS - Don't miss out on any of tools or resources...subscribe today.

PPS- I hate getting bombarded with emails, so if you subscribe you only get two emails a month. I promise.


Katy Wilson.jpg

— Katy Wilson, President

Tide Swimming

Renata's work with our organization exceeded my already high expectations.


Before working on site with our staff leadership, she spent abundant amounts of time understanding who we were and zeroing in on how to best shape the workshop to meet our organization's needs.


The workshop itself and the output generated gave our organization a firm foundation to operate consciously - vision, values, behaviors, efficiency - and take care of our staff professionally. These three things will enable our organization to better serve our members. 


Renata is a workhorse with a calm and firm presence to facilitate occasionally tenuous conversations.  I recommend Renata without reservations


— Lahari Neelapareddy, CEO

LN Accounting

"We were primed for our next stage of growth and I knew we needed additional structure as well as a thorough plan to take on new clients and staff.


In just a short amount of time, Renata made a remarkable difference in LN Accounting. She is able to understand what we needed as an organization and was able to provide her expertise to help us with our growth. Her approach is professional, open and completely geared towards my company.


When she says she doesn’t deal in fluff or theory, she means it. Everything she put forward, including her guidance, was always in my best interest. You will see improvements in efficiencies and processes in your business within days of Renata working with you. There’s nothing cookie-cutter about her or her work. I would highly recommend Renata."




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